spotify playlists to boost your serotonin levels

Welcome to the Nook!

If you are new here, then you might not know about my obsession with finding the perfect Spotify playlist for just about every situation and vibe. In August 2021, I became obsessed with looking for oddly specific Spotify playlists. My obsession has not ended since then. It has gotten worse, if anything. I love sharing music with others, and finding the perfect playlist for my friends is how I show my love.

Here are a few to get you ready for summer or if you need to boost your serotonin on those long, gloomy days.

callah and jonah (the simple wild)

This is technically a playlist for THE SIMPLE WILD by K. A. Tucker, but I love a lot of the songs on this playlist. I could see this being the perfect playlist for car rides around the country roads by yourself or with friends. While it has some slower songs, like EXILE by Taylor Swift, I like having a good mix of songs to make me feel comforted. Think of a summer nights vibe.

summertime oldies

I grew up every summer going camping with my family which usually meant at least a 2-hour road trip up north. On those road trips, my mom would listen to music from the 1980s. Now that music holds a special nostalgic place in my heart. Every summer I return to these golden gems as I take day trips, and I’m excited to finally have them all in one playlist. This is one that is sure to grow.

exclusively a serotonin boost

I love just about every song on this playlist. There were 2 weeks worth of drives (about 8 hours straight of driving time) to and from work where I only listened to this playlist. I did not get bored with any of the songs. It feels like a much-needed hug from a friend, especially on those dark mornings in the winter.

i wanna run away to greece with my best friend and live out my mamma mia fantasy

Mamma Mia/ABBA was my childhood and is my life. There’s nothing more boosting to my soul and inner child than putting on the Mamma Mia Broadway soundtrack (or the Mamma Mia movie soundtracks) to act like I’m on the stage having 3 men fight over me. I can’t even imagine living in Greece during the summer.

road trips to finally get out of my stupid town

For me, summer is synonymous with road trips. While these songs aren’t the most upbeat, they are perfect for road trips. I have listened to this playlist on the way to and from Trader Joe’s (which is about 1.5 hours from me), and this playlist is perfection.

cruel summer bridge serotonin

Would I be able to call myself a Swiftie if I didn’t put a specific Taylor Swift playlist in here? I love CRUEL SUMMER, and I love this playlist named after it. There’s a nice mix of Taylor and other artists on here to explore. Most of these songs are staples in my playlists.

early 2000s country songs that give me serotonin

I grew up on country music in the early 2000s which means I love a good mix of 90s country and female country artists. With my summer drives, I like to roll down my windows and put on the good country songs of my childhood. Mainly my summers are spent outside which country songs feel appropriate to play in those moments.

These past few days of warm weather in my area have given me hope for summer. I’m looking forward to a summer of finding what gives me joy as well as exploring some new areas on my own. Hope you have a few new playlists to keep you company or for your drives!

live carefree,


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